I haven't given Les Miz a proper watch, but I did see AH briefly when it was on cable TV. Man, she was brutalized in this movie. She ended up looking like a guy, and I've always thought Annie was super attractive. Makes me think this is a good movie, esp cuz I like Jackman also. Maybe not perfect but not a total misfire.
Yes, I imagine there is an original soundtrack with professional singers. I can see why they had to have big names to make the movie, but a serious musical with amateur singers is a bad idea from the git. The story certainly would work w/o music, and asking Crowe and Annie to sing seems like a gimmick. Maybe they should have gotten Kendrick or Kristen Bell for the part.
It was always more of a publicity stunt than anything else in casting who they did for the movie. The stupidity of it all is that the musical was popular enough that you didn't need to fill it with celebrities, it would have done a good business if it had been filled with A-list broadway singers that most people in the world had never heard of through word of mouth. But no, they had to go fill it with celebrities that couldn't care a tune if you shoved it up their ass.