The parents!

The parents need to put in the jail sitting right beside their children. I'm sorry I don't feel bad for them when you and your child's relationship changes to the point where they are disrespectfull, cursing, hitting, telling you as their parent what they aren't going to do, hurting or disrespecting another adult etc. that means the parent has failed in some way. You the parent have seriously dropped the ball. This behavior didn't start all at once this was a continued thing where the child kept pushing the limits until the parent I guess finally realizes things are out of control. Some of the mothers on this show are so dimwitted to me for instance Treszures or whatever her name was but the mom was speaking as if that wasn't even her daughter why wasn't she more involved asocial worker seemed more interested than her mom did. Like I said the parents need to be right with them


Once Libs made even spanking 'child abuse', this is what you get.

Once the welfare state paid for single women to have kids, this is what you get.

Support the DOMA


Not all libs think spanking is "child abuse" - stop generalizing.

UGH!... little disgusts me more than politics, and how all of you are brainwashed into labelling everyone. *beep* lemmings, all of you.

"What? A Democrat that believes in the right to bear arms!?"
"What? A Republican that believes in the right to have abortions!?"
"What? People making up their own minds, on each individual topic, rather than letting a 'party' tell them what they should think!?"

**head explodes**...

Far out, huh?


Thank you, Ripley - I seriously, seriously appreciate your post because instances where I see common sense used online are few and far between.

Why is it that every message board I go on (even entertainment ones such as this!) include moronic posts which label either "liberal scum" and what they ALL believe or "RepubliCONS" and what THEY all believe? Right, all of the problems in this country are due to a single party.

Ugh...the generalizing, the childish name-calling...It's so frustrating - THINK FOR YOURSELVES, PEOPLE!

"I don't want to make money. I just want to be wonderful."


The right to have children and raise them as the parents see fit are Constitutionally protected rights. Some parents may be idiots but I wouldn't want to live in a country where the government forbids some people to reproduce. We are not China yet.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


Ripley741, I'm late to the party, but I would "like" your post 1,000 times if I could!

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


YOU said DEM and REP, I never said either side, I simply said liberal.

BOHICA America!


I have pushed for parenting licenses for as long as I can remember.

It'll never happen, though... the gov'ment likes to keep that national average IQ real l-o-o-o-o-o-w...
