Touching.... but
Alexandra Pelosi's documentary is certainly touching. Makes me feel for these families as well as want to help.
But, I don't care for the implicit spin - nor do I think most should.
The impression is laid on, thick at times, that it's somehow America's fault for the condition these people are in. One point in the show Alexandra even asked the children "why would God do this to you?".
This is cheap. If Alexandra was genuinely interested in the issue she might have asked "why do your parents make bad decisions?".
Take the family where there are 4 (possibly 5) children and 4 small dogs (which the mom refers to as her children).
She stated that she had been in the rears for awhile, struggling to get by. However, some of those children are pretty young. Born after the fact that she fell on hard times. You'd be a fool to not direct the question back at the mom: "why are you living beyond your means?". But Alexandra never does this.
Nope, Alexandra is more bothered by the quality of the free food the children get from the state. Again: she's more concerned about the quality of the free food the chidren receive from the state.
One very upsetting scene was when the families were at the soup kitchen. Alexandra had the decency to note that most of these soup kitchens/bread lines are sponsored by the local churches. The very next segment is where Alexandra is posing the question to the children: Why does God do this to you?
That's low. Instead of being thankful for the help the families do receive from the churches Alexandra takes it as an opportunity to highlight either the insensitivity of God or the absurdity of God.
Again - a more genuine question would have been: Why do your parents make bad decisions?
Quick rundown:
It's a bad decision to foster multiple dogs if your struggling financially.
It's a bad decision to have more children when you're already poor and struggling to support them.
It's a bad decision to affiliate yourself with people who may spend time in prison because they have criminal tendencies.
It's a bad decision to stay in a particular area where the cost of rent in that area outstrips your ability to provide for your family.
It's a bad decision to have children with multiple men when it tends to be the case that men who have children with women they are not married to tend to "run off" because they weren't responsible men in the first place.
Once more - touching documentary and I would do what I can to help these families.
But, Alexandra is certainly more politically motivated in her aims with this show. Focusing on the short comings of the state or the employeer (Disney) or of God when she should have been directing her questions at the parents shows where her motivations are.