What is there to do for a sequel, honestly?
Now, i've given this a whole lot of thought, only because i was immensely disappointed with the story for Chronicle. They hyped up the secret of why they got their powers, what gave them powers, only to have it in the film for less than a minute. So, this is my opinion on what should be done with a sequel.
I can understand why some people like the movie or hated it (I think it's a good film, but hate the found-footage aspect), but honestly, what are they going to do for the sequel? There are only two ways I can see a good, watchable sequel happening: The first is if they pursue the origins of the object (I forget the name Landis gave it) and where it came from, as well as what in the hell it is. Watching the scene where they find it over and over again, one thing is for sure; it's an organism. It reacted to the three guys, and if you ask me, it seemed to draw them there. Some giant crystal-creature isn't just going to start emitting sonic pulses just because. So, there is a bigger plan at work. Then, there's the second option (the one I really, really don't want to see); a prequel. As stupid a prequel sounds, they could and probably will do one where other young people come across the crystal and gain powers.
Now, i think a sequel in where Matt does whatever he can to find the object and where it came from. I personally would like to write a story for it myself, because you can come up with a good, interesting action-thriller just following Nick in his quest for answers. You don't need a specific villain (or a villain whatsoever), but simply obstacles. For example, the film Unstoppable directed by Tony Scott. Technically, the runaway train would be considered the villain, but there wasn't a real villain, so to speak. Someone could do that with a sequel, but still have it be dark and violent, in that Matt encounters multiple and disastrous happenings in his quest. So, to those reading, lay out your comments, but please be respectful: i gave this a lot of thought and put my heart into it. So if you have opinions, express them, just don't be really rude.
"All men dream, but not equally."
- T.E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom