MovieChat Forums > Chronicle (2012) Discussion > The Bullies and thugs deserved it.

The Bullies and thugs deserved it.

Can we all just stop defending the bullies of the world? Bullies take sick pleasure in hurting others and taking away their dignity. The bullying presented in this film is very true to life and not at all melodramatic or exaggerated. These bullies, like the ones in real life, are not going to learn some lesson like in an after-school special. No one is ever going to punish them. Teachers don't do anything. Parents make things worse. Those bullies are gonna grow up and pass along their sadism to other people without learning a single lesson or feeling any guilt over the people they terrorized. So frankly, they deserved what they got. If you hurt and humiliate other people and take joy in it, then you deserve whatever comeuppance you receive, including being shot by your victim.

That being said, I don't support the shooting and murder of innocent people. Never hurt innocent people who've never done anything to you. Just bullies. I said it. Someone had to.


Payback can sometimes indeed be a bitch.🐭


You don't really understand what the movie is about, do you?

The problem is with his attitude and his delusion of grandeur, not who he picks as his first victims. In the end he's no better than them. He's certainly worse.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


If they wouldn't be so *beep* people they would not needed to be killed. Humanists are stupid, humans are the worst species on earth and will lead to it's destruction and even before that many people find out that they need to be total pieces of crap, we don't need em. Why would we? Just because they are people?

Those people that they bullied and made their life pure garbage are humans too. Humans that did nothing wrong.

The dad is one of the worst, always blaming his son when in reality he himself is the reason his life is crap and blaming his son to be selfish when in fact he is being selfish a-hole the whole film.

Only ones that didn't deserve it were innocent bystanders and his friends.


I blood when that wanna be gangsta motioned towards his gun.

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


I agree. Bullies should be punished. But, we need RULES to mandate and regulate that punishment. I.E. Not with any "Eye for an Eye" method.

Saying that bullies "deserve to die" because "I think they're bad people, so there" leaves out so much grey area. For one, what defines a bully?? If it's simply someone who is bothering someone else, does that mean ALL of those people deserve the harshest punishment possible?? If that were the case, we're ALL bullies!! Even if we escalate it to someone who physically harms another, whose right is it to harm them right back? If we all have to right to harm another because they harm us, we just creates MORE bullies: Us.

The moral of Chronicle is often missed by a mile when it comes to this aspect of the film. The point isn't "Doing what you will because you can." That was the BULLIES' mentality and eventually Andrew's as well. It's what made them the villains and Andrew the ULTIMATE villain for missing the error in that. The moral of Chronicle is "Even when given all the power in the world, our truest strength is our moral high ground."

Yes, Andrew was bullied from all facets of his life. But, it was NEVER his right to harm others, just as it was never the right of any of the other characters who did so. Matt (and Steve, to some extent) was the protagonist because he understood this. The three boys were given great power but only Andrew chose to use it to do exactly what was done to him: Bully others. And we see where that got him...

The point is that I agree. Punish bullies. But even though those bullies live without boundaries and do as they will does not mean we should. Boundaries, rules, and personal morals are what set us apart from them. Remembering that makes us like Matt, a hero who uses his strength to defend the bullied. "Giving people what's comin' to 'em because I can and I hate them so who cares" would make us like Andrew, his father, and those other dead bullies: The villain.




Bullies like Andrew have it coming too. Let's not pretend he wasn't one too; he at least admitted he was a predator.




Exactly, he referred to himself as The Apex Predator before throwing a BUS at his cousin.

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


I mean, why even be a good person? We awake into this unexplained phenomenon called life. Every rule or word or idea or emotion you experience was just made up with no basis why. We just discover, and why not take advantage where you can?


I mean, why even be a good person? We awake into this unexplained phenomenon called life. Every rule or word or idea or emotion you experience was just made up with no basis why.

The origination of individual ideas and emotions you experience have some basis in your survival and/or the survival of the human species. Every word has a basis in communication. Every rule and law a basis as a key to civilization and being civil among each other so those in that civilization, like you, can sleep more safely at night than if you had anarchy or living in a wild jungle like a barbarian.

We just discover, and why not take advantage where you can?

That's all easy until someone else takes advantage of you because they can... whether that's because someone financially crippled you through a white collar crime or someone ruined your career or someone physically crippled you... then suddenly you want laws, justice, and a civilization's mercy. If you lack basic empathy then do you deserve it? Chronicle2012 is fiction, but there are plenty of stories of bullies taking advantage of their victims until those victims strike back hard. Further, isn't the "take advantage where you can" philosophy that you might use teaching those around you (friends, wife, business partners, clients, kids, your cook, etc) to also take advantage of you when they can and take advantage of you before you take advantage of them? The end result seems very lonely and paranoid even if you lack empathy for guilt and remorse.
