MovieChat Forums > The Santa Clauses (2022) Discussion > Co-Star Casey Wilson Slams Tim Allen’s O...

Co-Star Casey Wilson Slams Tim Allen’s On-Set Demeanor

The series was a continuation of Allen’s classic “Santa Clause” films. Wilson portrayed “Adult Sarah” in the series, the grown version of the girl who gave Santa soy milk in the first film.

“So I’m in a scene. It’s just me and Tim Allen and I’m supposed to throw things at him,” Wilson said. “I think he’s a burglar. So he’s coming down the chimney, obviously as Santa, and I am woken up thinking there’s an intruder, basically like a home invasion scene. So I’m throwing things at him.

“[He] goes over to the producer who is standing four feet from me and goes, and I hear him, he goes, ‘You gotta tell her to stop stepping on my lines.’ The producer turns to me with horror on his face and has to walk one foot to me and he goes, ‘Um, Tim would ask that you stop stepping on his lines.’”

She continued, “He’s a b – – h. And this is the best … I will not say who said this. This was someone that I do not know, perhaps in the crew. [He or she] breezes past me and just goes, ‘You’re seeing him on a good day.’”


Joanne Bloomfield on December 6, 2023 7:49 pm

I was on set for the first Santa Clause. Exactly the same. He went on a swearing tantrum in front of 100 little kids with elf ears. Aside from that, it was a wonderful cast and crew.


Should had keep it in the movie.


We know:


Why did you post it 3 days after I did?


Become vengeance, Satan. Become Wrath.




Ask some of the other famous men on Hollywood sets how giving females direct criticism works. He is using a mediator so she cannot make shit up later about the tone in which he talked to her, or say he came onto her.

Dont ask Alec Baldwin though, the rules dont apply to that psychopath.


that's what happens when 2 titans of industry are in the same room together, T. Allen with his number 1 show in America -Home Improvement- and C Wilson with her number .... oh wait, nevermind
