Why pick an Englishman who looks nothing like TW (who was 6 foot 6 thus 8 inches taller than Jude Law and American). Surely Brendan Fraser looks more like TW and at 6 foot 3 would have been ideally suited to play the role.
Jack Lemmon. If the movie could've been made 60 years ago. Colin Firth actually resembles Thomas Wolfe more than Jude Law. I'm looking at pics on Wikipedia.
Agreed. Firth looks much more like Wolfe than Law. Jude Law looks nothing like him. The original choice was Fassdender which again would've been a miss
Funny, I have not thought about Brendan Fraiser in years, and I just left The Affair board and there are several threads about his character on that show.
I would say "no" to Fraiser, but I as I just said elsewhere I was taken aback by how good he was in Gods and Monsters so maybe he could have given this a shot.
I still have no complaints with Law, yes the physicality is off, but there is an artistry and intellect about Wolfe that is essential to get across on screen. If they had to chose between talent and appearance, they did the right thing by choosing talent.
David Morse would have been excellent if he were younger. His stature fits, and he is a very underrated actor with an incredibly wide range. Unfortunately Wolfe never even made it to forty.
I don't see why looking like Wolfe makes any difference. As for acting, I thought Jude Law was terrible--histrionics does not equal intensity. I thought John Cusack would have been a much better choice.
That was my exact feeling as I was trying to watch this. I quit trying in the middle. I found Jude Law so over-the-top that I couldn't bring myself to continue.
I may have to go back to see more about Perkin's family of bright stars. They seemed fun but poor Thomas Wolfe as imagined by Jude Law was no fun at all.
Weakest part of the movie. Didn’t like JL right from the first scene. Can’t even quite figure what’s wrong, but I just didn’t buy his performance.
Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman, OTOH, are extraordinary. For some reason I have to keep reminding myself that NK is a real legit actress — Oscar winner and all — and has been for decades. Not just a crazy star’s ex.