Better than the Beatles, Nirvana, 2pac and Jesus.
FACT! Discuss.
shareI don't belive that you belive this...
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i honestly do tbh, all the rest are overrated. i could happily listen to only JB 's beautiful music till the day i die. and then i'd die a happy man.
shareYou think JESUS is overrated!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!? WTF!?!?!?!?!?! Also, The Beatles, 2pac, and Nirvana are music LEGENDS, Justin Beiber is some turd that Ludacris esentially dressed up, and used *beep* AUTOTUNE on, and therefore, is famous, as most of the people who love him, are worthless mindless IDIOTS,and deserve to all burn in hell once the Appocolypse comes.
I am a false prophet, God is a Superstition!!!!
- Eli Sunday
Wow, from a fan-boy perspective, I can understand that you think he is better that those 3 bands, but Jesus, GOOD GOD!!!
Either you are one of the most RETARDED person on IMDb, or you are a troll posting as a bieber fan.
better than the beatles is not really hard....
shareyour a *beep* retard a pile of fresh dog *beep* is better then bieber
shareYou're a fúcking idiot who probably listens to stupid metal bullshít. The Beatles changed the face of music, while you're shítty artists did NOTHING. Try listening to their music you ignorant bítch.
shareBieber is still alive so he wins by default.
For the sake of humanity, I hope you're joking.
gotta take that chip off your shoulder..<3
Since when was Nirvana, Tupac, and Jesus on the same prestigious plateau as the Beatles?
shareOh, that's right, they were "bigger than Jesus".
I f you don't believe in Jesus, at least respect him for what he means to the people who believe in him.
Greetings from Colombia!
they are the JB of the 60's
shareUnfortunately for your arguments, the Beatles had something to offert to the World rather than good looks, they had talent and their influence still is strong to this day, and it has been 40 years since they stopped producing music as a band. I want to see Justin Gayber trying to top that.