Attention Justin Biber Fans. We aren't annoyed at Bieber...
Unfortunatley... we are annoyed at the whole fanbase surrounding Bieber.
The fangirls, who are high up on hormones, have this disability to not shut up about him. They all drool over Justin Bieber's every move and action like starved zombies of brain buffet. They don't seem to understand that people like me and any other person that doesn't appreiciate Bieber's music are very irritated by the amount of annoyance that you keep repeating the same bloody message about your love for him. We understand that you have an attraction to him but you don't need to say it 24 hours of every 7 day week. You don't understand the fact we understand, we get the message, but we don't want to hear this emotional, soap opera like speech about your attraction for him.
Also, you girls say the Justin Bieber is your soul mate and stuff like that. If every girl says that on this planet, then your probably not the one for him becuase he has a lot of options on who he is going to marry. And most marriages end in divorce and various other things.
By all means, listen to the guys music, but you have to understand you can't make such a big irrelevant deal out of it becuase it isn't the most important thing in this world right now. He is for entertainment purposes, not to become a symbol of when a girl becomes sad, she can switch to his music for some closure, etc. etc.
This not a threat or any sort, shape or kind, it is a reccomendation, its not only my wish but every other person who doesn't have any sort of interest in Justin Bieber music's wish. Please understand this because it is irritating not only me, but every other living soul who isn't entertained by him.
I remember people by their signature, not their profile name.