Boring and repetitive - It deserves every ounce of hate it gets
I thought maybe this could be a 2 at least, but nope. It really is bottom-of-the-barrel trash.
Not only is the outright commercialism in this movie annoying (Everyone just talking endlessly about his great Bieber is), but it shows almost NOTHING from his personal life. Outside of a few clips with him as a cute kid, we never get to know Bieber as a person. Those looking for a bit of backstory with him, prepare to be disappointed. And even those just looking for some interviews with him, you'll be even more let down. Everyone just speaks for him instead! What does it matter what he has to say? His fans already know everything!
But the worst of all are the concert scenes. They are...
They are so unbelievably boring! His voice is pretty fine, but every one of his songs make you fall asleep. And there are so many of them as well! I could swear one time there were even three concert numbers in a row. THREE! Not to mention it insultingly enough ends with one of his stupidest songs, which of course is Baby. Played live as... another concert number.
This movie sucks.