Jonah's mistress

Wasnt she aware of the danger? How stupid was she??? He told her stay away.


My biggest gripe with how things played out was how Jonah never once called her on the role she played in the shooting. Grieving mother or not, I expected him, and then his wife at the funeral to at least say something about it. He opened the door, but she was the one who shouldn't have been there in the first place. I can't for the life of me understand why she did something so utterly idiotic.

The things she did really wouldn't make any sense unless we were supposed to take her character as the silly, melodramatic mistress. She was just too old to be playing games about calling his wife and not listening when he said she was in danger. I would have expected that had she been some young bimbo type but she wasn't.

Everybody needs love. Have you held your hostage today?


I can't for the life of me understand why she did something so utterly idiotic.

Because she was a stupid, bitter bitch. She was so busy pissed off that he didn't do what she wanted him to do - tell his wife - that she decided she wasn't going to do what he wanted her to do - go into hiding.

One thing that they never made clear was whether their romantic relationship was still ongoing or if it was strictly a parenting relationship for the little boy. That would explain why she was so bitter and resentful. I totally get her not wanting her kid to be his father's secret to be relegated to the shadows of his life. But the kid was only 2 or so years old. It's not like he needed Daddy to be able to openly attend school and sports functions right that minute. So her rush to make sure the wife knew immediately only makes sense if she was tired of being the side piece.

Anyway, all that aside, the thing that pissed me off even more than her just coming home is she didn't secure the child. Baby Daddy says you're in danger but you come home anyway. A stranger knocks at the door, why isn't your first thought go get the kid. Fine, he says go in the kitchen. Why not go into the kid's bedroom an be with him? Make sure he is and stays safe? The kitchen is just as good as the bedroom. Or, get the kid then go to the kitchen. (Actually, I would have gotten the kid and gone out the back door, but that's just me.)

But, yeah, it was totally her fault that the kid got killed.

I don't trust people who don't like pets and I don't trust people who pets don't like.
