MovieChat Forums > All-Star Superman (2011) Discussion > Morrison has seen the film + likes it

Morrison has seen the film + likes it lywood/all/1

For Trippier Comics Flicks, Hollywood Needs to Turn On to Grant Morrison, Warren Ellis
By Scott Thill October 15, 2010 | 4:59 pm

Like Alan Moore before them, writers Grant Morrison and Warren Ellis have created challenging and visionary comic books ripe for a Hollywood picking. Too bad Hollywood isn’t ready for them.

“I think the audience is ready for wilder stuff,” the envelope-pushing Morrison (above) told by phone. “But Hollywood is still mostly dealing in a conservative mindset, so I can’t imagine a Final Crisis film happening anytime within the next 100 years.”

Too bad. Morrison’s Final Crisis is a metafictional, metaphysical apocalypse that takes Superman, Batman and other superheroes you already know — and many more that you don’t — across the reaches of time and space, fiction and reality. It’s ambition defined, which makes it a Hollywood pipe dream, for now.

Instead, we’re left with Morrison’s much safer All-Star Superman, slated to become the first animated feature based on his prolific work. The recently released debut trailer (below) bore little resemblance to the poignant interstellar psychedelia of Morrison’s award-winning comic, probably because it was written by Dwayne MacDuffie (Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths) instead of Morrison.

“I wasn’t upset, because I saw the movie and it’s one of my top three superhero movies ever,” said Morrison. “Only the superfans are going to complain, because the film has about 90 percent of my stuff in it. Much of it is actual dialogue taken from the book.”

That said, Morrison was never invited to apply his significant writing talent to All-Star Superman’s big-screen leap. “I wasn’t asked,” he said.

Also, this is a nice story...

"I hate quotations. Tell me what you know." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
