Both Kara and Superman get handed by Darkseid. But the difference, and why Kara seems more powerful, is that Superman rarely dodges anything Darkseid throws because he can take it while a lot of other heros could not. Plus towards the end, Superman put a pretty bad beating on Darkseid.
In the comic version of Apocolypse its quite different and you see just how powerful Superman can be when he is extremley angry. To the point that Darkseid looks like Bane vs Superman.
As for this, this is just the first part of the story. I hope they continue the Superman/Batman series as I have come to love that series. I mean what team is better than the worlds most strategic hero and the worlds most powerful? But for All Star Superman it has quite a few parts. The first part tells how he is dying due to solar poisoning. Basically he absorbed too much solar energy. But thats not the end. In fact if anything All Star Superman is more about how limitless he is.
I think this would be a great adaptation so long as they stick to the story enough to continue into the next chapters, much like Superman/Batman.
As for powerful Superman, he just needs to be angry. If you want the best example, look at Superboy Prime. Hes a no holds bard Superman that in essence took the majority of the GL Corps to contain. That or Superman One Million.