MovieChat Forums > All-Star Superman (2011) Discussion > General complaint about movies like this

General complaint about movies like this

This isn't just directed towards All-Star Superman but in both Marvel/DC animated movie properties. And the complaint is that they need to make these movies LONGER. When the average superhero movie clocks in at over 2 hours, 75 minutes is just not enough time to tell a great story. I guess it works OK, but there's so much they cut out that could have fit in if they made it as long as a regular Superman movie.

It just really turns me off of these movies because it feels like the lite versions of the comic book counterparts. And I realize in any adaptation of printed material there are things that will be cut to make the movie flow better, but if this was theatrical length they could have done so much more with it.


The funny thing is that this is among some of the DC animated movies I saw where I thought the length was fine.
So I would disagree with you in this specific case.

But overall, I definitely agree that I don't get why there seems to be some sort of restriction on the lengths. Some of the animated movies should definitely be much longer. superman/Batman public enemies and Apocalypse are two examples of movies that felt really rushed to me.

However, for this movie, I never felt it was rushed, the pacing was great. If anything, it was a little slow paced at times, but in a good way.

Although, I should say, I haven't read the comics, so I"m not talking in terms of how much they cut out or changed.

"The shadows betray you, because they belong to me"


I agree that these Movies could be longer. Superman Doomsday should have been 2 hours long. Thank God they split The Dark Knight Returns into two Parts. But even with their short length. There Still Better than most of DC's Live Action Movies.
