Why so Powerful???

Can anyone explain to me what was Dc reasoning for continually beefing up Supes powers over the years??? they had to tone it down fter the silver age for being too ridiculous(could change up his face muscles) and look different I get the strength, speed, senses heat vision etc.

So why make him stuff like so strong he can move planets? At that level NOONE CAN BEAT HIM, This movie showed it when he beat those 2 guys at arm wrestling with no effort. That totally takes out the tension of the story

Super intelligent? People like Batman for being so smart but at least he trained for it. Supes got it all to ridiculous levels just by standing in the Sun.
- can make robots, try to cure cancer, memorise dna etc, make SUNS????.

Doesnt nee to eat or breathe, can find anyone in the world using super hearing

So we got a impossibly strong, intelligent, capable, perfectly moral and flawless hero. Why should i root for him. Heck, i'd root for Luthor who has to really WORK to beat him (i did in this movie)

It seems like Dc just said- well hes bland as oatmeal- do we make him more relatble and an underdog eg Spiderman, Batman etc..... nah lets make him stronger, people will really love him



I disagree in that I'm ol' school & through the years they've definitely weakened Supes IMO in order to keep his character more interesting. It seems that now he's just a very beloved strongman in a red & blue suit!!!

"It is well that war is so terrible -- lest we should grow too fond of it."


All Star superman is not a good example. The entire objective of the movie/comic is to celebrate the silver age Superman who does the impossible and goes further. This is an elseworld where they can do this stuff. I can't stress that everything your saying was the god damn point. The problem is your complaining is based off the idea that this was the status quo when it's not.

In the canon Superman series, Superman is pretty capped in powers and intelligence.


Yeh. It was nice to finally see a Superman movie with the REAL Superman and not the fake post-Crisis one. This is what "Superman" means to me.

Daniel Klugh


I don't think you understood the movie - he's got extra powers from being exposed to the radiation, but he also is dying because of it


do we make him more relatble and an underdog eg Spiderman, Batman etc..... nah lets make him stronger, people will really love him
Re: Why so Powerful???

Ehh, Spiderman is probably the most relatable one because of his money problems etc., when it comes to superpowers, Spidey isn't relatable.

Batman isn't that relatable too since you can't be Batman, he has impressive athletic skills (far better than most humans), he's smart, he has lots of money, women love him etc.

Really, just because Batman has no powers doesn't make him more relatable.

