This was bad
Just watched Deadly Crossing. What can I say. It was just bad.
First of all the idea of combining two episodes of a TV show into a "movie" just wasn't working. The whole movie had a cheap feeling throughout and it was hard to concentrate on the plot(s).
What was up with that fight scene being shown twice? Was that intentional? I didn't get it.
Judging the TV show from this it can't be much better.
It was a cookie cutter cop show with no original idea or twist.
The characters were one dimensional played my male and female models who can't really act. They had no chemistry with Steven Seagal, who wasn't on screen all that much.
He seemed more of a secondary character.
Also every shot of Seagal where you can't see his face is a very obvious body double.
They just built a bad cop show around Seagal who clearly wouldn't bother being on set any longer than was necessary.
People were saying how good he looks in the promo pictures.
I just can't see it, he looks as fat as ever with his forehead glistening with sweat and his greasy red nose catching all the attention.
It looks even worse when they cut to a mich slimmer stunt double doing all the short fight scenes.
Clearly Seagal didn't bother doing much with his career after the little boost by Machete.
Just another paycheck.
I wonder how long he keeps on doing these movies.
He isn't doing much in them as it is.