Currently watching season 2 and... (spoiler)
Honestly i had trouble seeing Radner and Juliet go... Mason wasn't the most vocal and charismatic character so i could had live without him but seeing all 3 more or less go at the same time was a hard time.
Introduce season 2 and a new team(at least keeping Sarah so far) and well i got used to these 2 guys, there ok, at the moment not on same level as Radner and Juliet but still i like them enought.
But i really liked the thec element Finch was bringing to the team, and they decided to kill her off... mid season... cmon !!!
The series already got rid of 3 main characters, then they introduce new ones only to get rid of one so quick... not cool. I was getting into season 2 and its more "spy conspiracy side", but then they do that, well i kinda understand why i didn't get a season 3...
The show had a pretty good premise, actually i tough season 1 was a very good cop show, more than most stuff i see on tv... then Season 2 start looking more like an usual Seagal movie... and bah...
Ill watch til the end anyway, but im disapointed...
Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!