Is This A Tom Hanks Free Safe Space?

I was unfortunately unable to watch Asteroid City due to its inclusion of the so called "actor" Tom Hanks.

Given Wes Anderson seems to like keeping his friends close and Bill Murray is approaching the end times, I was worried this meant I would be unable to watch future projects due to the continued presence of Hanks.

Fortunately, the initial casting for this looks pretty excellent and indeed fresh for Anderson. But can we be sure at this stage that Tom Hanks has gone nowhere near this one?


Is Tom Hanks not, in fact, an actor?




Huh. Who was that fella in Saving Private Ryan and The Green Mile?


Probably Jim Hanks, his brother. He looks and sounds very similar to Tom, so they used to employ him as a double in many cases to save money. After a while Tom pretty much let Jim take over completely, keeping the name Tom Hanks for publicity; to modern audiences, Jim Hanks IS "Tom Hanks" so they do not even notice the difference.


The so called "actor" Tom Hanks.


Well if that is indeed Tom Hanks in those movies, you can probably drop the quotations, since it would be "acting" that he's doing. If indeed it's Tom Hanks and not actually a soldier and prison guard respectively. Regardless of whether you think he's doing a good job of acting.


... since it would be "acting" that he's doing.

Well that would obviously be you opinion.

However it should have been equally obvious from the OP that it isn't mine.

Thanks πŸ‘


I'm just going to start putting professions in quotations when I don't believe they do a good job. I don't like my dentist so she is now my "dentist," regardless of her degrees or what she does for a living. Fun!


Well if your dentist is totally shit, I would absolutely encourage that if you are discussing them online. Most people above a certain intellectual level will understand exactly what you mean.

However be careful not to name them and run into any potential libel actions.

Thanks πŸ‘


Tom Hanks, much like Harrison Ford and several other famous stars are not really actors, per se. They are personas. They appear in all their films as variants of themselves. They do not act the roles of people completely different from them.
