Unfunny garbage

Saw it last night. It's as horrible as many honest reviewers are saying it is. Don't waste your dollars on this.

PS: Vast majority of positive and over the top reviews on here is astroturfing by the movie studio. Don't buy it.


I don't know what you expected, but it was cute.



It was more than just cute.
This movie really broke cinematic ground to me ... not many have gone with a straight mother-son movie, and I think it tooks guts and creativity ... in very short supply in Hollywood for decades. To call it garbage and unfunny just seems uncalled for. I bet the OP did not even see it. It's good to see Streisand was such a good sport and does comedy so well. She was great, and so was Seth!


i concur. in midst of all da ultra violent action fodder, rom com fluff, and overrated spectaclez (im talkin 2 u les miz), dis is a breath of fresh air and just some good ol fashioned fun.

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


wrong bored. dis is 40 - now daz unfunnie garbage.

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker
