Every single time...

Seth rogan does a movie without drugs it's rated bad on here but all the ones with drugs are rated pretty decent I don't get it


probably because judging this movie as a dramatic comedy, with adult themes and concepts it is pretty good...
but judging it as a stoner comedy, as most of his fans will, it blows hard... they like didn't even get high in it, wth?!?

i'm impressed by rogen getting outside his normal vein, but it's not shocking that his regular fans were unimpressed with this turn.


...you do know that would only work if solely stoners voted on this site right? The fact that this didn't really get above a C from any major critic would say what to you? They're ALL young stoners? Nah. Average movie gets average grade, that's all...

"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon
