MovieChat Forums > The Guilt Trip (2012) Discussion > Someone got up and left while I saw this...

Someone got up and left while I saw this movie

I took my Mom to see this movie (I know, cliche with the plot of this one lol) because she loved the previews. I think about 30 minutes went by and a guy got up and left. In the theater there was myself, my mom, the guy and 2 women.....I was a little surprised the guy left because the movie was pretty equal to the previews.....I wouldn't say this was a GREAT movie but definitely not a get up and leave one in my opinion.


Damn, didn't think anyone saw me! Worst movie of the year,by far.


Forgot to comment on the ONE funny scene. Babs is explaining something about being crosseyed as a kid and all I could think of is why she never got it fixed. Now that was funny.


lol I guess the guy didn't see the previews and tried this one out. It was less funny than I thought it would be but it wasn't TERRIBLE lol...I think that's the first time I actually saw someone get up and leave lol.


I think its because this is not what they expected. The trailer makes it seem like a sillier comedy than it is, while I did expect there to be some sentimental moments I really didn't expect this movie. I really liked it btw, but I think this is the reason why it gets so much undeserved hate. When people expect something they are more disappointed if they don't get it.

It reminds me of what happened with The Break Up (Jennifer Aniston, Vince Vaughn) a few years ago. The trailer presented a very silly comedy, the movie ended up being much more dramatic and it was ripped apart.


I think it has more to do with trailers simply lying to us. When you're lied to you feel betrayed and the only thing to do when your betrayed is strike back, (watch the whole thing and write a scathing review on the internet) or simply turn your back on it (walk out of the theater). I've felt the same way. IN BRUGES is a prime example. I thought that was gonna be hilariously awesome wackos running around being crazy in some little European tourist hamlet, cracking jokes as they shot at each other. Instead I laughed, and hated myself, laughed, then died a little inside, laughed again, and seriously considered how i had gotten here in my life, and while that makes an excellent dark comedy the trailer promised me something utterly opposite. So after turning that depressingly funny movie off i went back to it a few days later and watched it with fresh eyes and voila, awesome.


I wated to get up and leave! But stayed until the end. I personally thought is was seriously clecahaed (?sp), saw the whole plot line coming.


If it wasnt for my girlfriend I wouldve left...on the other hand it did help me fall asleep.
1/10 b*tch wasnt funny at all, she annoyed her son constantly then she eventually annoyed me. Cliched and over the top, nothing funny about it at all


You know it's possible that maybe he just had to go. It happens


then why did he yell "*beep* this yet" before leaving?


Meh, Depending on the time of day, you often see people on their lunch breaks just catching part of a movie, or people who caught the end of the first showing and sit there for the beginning of the next.

Bam said the lady.


I got it on redbox, it was god awful.
