Better than I thought it would be
There are a handful of great films made and a greater number of really bad ones, but the extreme majority fall somewhere in between. For those, it's not so much the quality of the films, but rather what we bring to the table when we watch them.
Past midnight on a Friday night and wide awake, it's good to pick a movie you think will put you to sleep.
This popped up on Netflix and with no expectation other than I would be asleep in fifteen minutes, I started on The Guilty Trip.
I laughed my ass off and thought the chemistry between Streisand and Rogen was surprisingly well done.
After disappointment with the Billy Crystal/Bette Midler flix that was released at the same time, I wrote this one all completely, but I found it far better.
FYI, I made through the closing credits which I highly recommend watching.