MovieChat Forums > The Guilt Trip (2012) Discussion > This movie is the mother's point of view

This movie is the mother's point of view

It started pretty well, presenting the symptoms of this affliction - being furcked up by your own parents, who are themselves afflicted.

Then, when Rogen's character finally snaps at his mother, telling her straight in her face that she behaves idiotic, the movie takes the turn for the worst. Streisand's character does not go through the realization that she's furcked up herself, and that she'd furcked up her child, she instead lashes at him for being self centered blah blah. Probably the studio got the audience focus-groups results, and since this movie was targeted to "all the single ladies", they changed the ending into "mother is always right". Or perhaps it was written like this from the beginning, which is just as insane.

In reality, this affliction -the Nice Guy syndrome- is really life shattering, the root problems are that the child is abandoned, humiliated and manipulated by his parents, the parents marry not out of love, but for financial/social stability. So the father usually retreats into an extramarital relation, or addictions, or hanging out with his buddies all day, and the mother turns his son into a substitute for the love she can't share with her husband. The son is emotionally manipulated by the mother to fill her emotional void, she basically wants him to be her companion throughout her unhappy life. Like a dog.

It sounds furcked up, and it is. The boy does not go through the process of becoming a man, because he has no guide - his father is always missing, gone with his buddies, and his mother prevents him from building any meaningful relation with others, keeps him prisoner to her needs- and so the boy keeps behaving like a boy even though he's 30, or 40. He is conditioned to respond to the "damsel in distress" type of women, being emotionally incapable of dealing with a woman who is not in trouble. Even if he meets a woman who has no major problems in her life, he turns her into one, because he feels satisfied only when he fixes broken women.

So this movie is just another half baked fart from Hollywood, they don't give a furck about you, they just want to "please" you, meaning that if they were the doctor, they wouldn't give you the right medicine, because it's bitter.

So read "No more Mr. Nice Guy" by Robert Glover, to understand wtf is going on.


You just described what ages ago doctors were giving as reason why a child was gay.
Absent father, overbearing mother.
So the child is not to blame for ANYthing right? Come on, this might be one of the many reasons why children end up like that.
