
Do these little guys die in the film? I was thinking about bringing my niece to this but I heard that's it's very violent.


No one dies in the movie that I can remember.


None of the major characters die. There are some action packed moments, more than the first. I don't know how old your niece is or how easily she is scared.


I just took my 6 year old to see this today. I knew other people who took their similar aged kids to see it, and didn't have a problem. We also own and love DM 1, so I didn't think we would have any issues. The minions do not die, but are kidnapped and you're left wondering for awhile what happened to them. Then when you find out, it's revealed that they will be all be given a serum that transforms them into purple monster minions. They're not even scary. Their teeth reminded me of Gru's dog's teeth. But, my daughter was very bothered by this. She started to cry and wanted to stop watching. I sat her in my lap and explained to her that gru will turn them back and there will be a happy ending. She calmed down, but wouldn't go back to her seat. I didn't get it! It seemed light hearted and not scary, but I think the minions are so beloved that she hated to see them change. I think most kids will be okay for this. My daughter was just too sensitive.


I was thinking in the theater that the purple minions could give some really young kids nightmares. They were definitly scary. At least for the very young, I think.


They don't die and The Minions are getting their own movie to be released next year.


it is violent and sexually charged. no one under the age of 38 should be admitted.

Thread ender.


True.... and that chainsaw scene... Reminded me so much of Scarface, it must of been in the producer/directors minds when they done that


The Magic Show. I thought it seemed Penn & Teller style.


No minions in the first or second movie ever die. The only thing that comes close to a harmed minion is the once that keeps floating in the first movie. He is eventually scene floating on the moon at the end of the first film. Even then he seems pretty happy about it.


There's no death whatsoever in this movie.

A small amount of violence in the part of shooting jelly at people is the only so called "bad" part.

As for the minions scaring kids.. unless the kid is like, 2 or 3, I can't see them getting scared by the purple minions..
