who was at the door?

For this question I have a few suggestions, but I did not find it revealed in the movie - the scene from the trailer, the shadow on the door, the minion screaming...same scene in the movie, but no answer to the question we all asked after the trailer: Who was at the door actually?

(I think el Macho who took the first minion, but is there any real answer?)


Yes: it was Dr Nefario who minion-napped The French Maid just after he resigned from Gru's employ and took up El Macho's. This is clearly explained on the Audio Commentary track. It is also he who is driving the ice-cream truck under the blackened glass, but there is no way to see/confirm that; you just have to believe the creators! :)

“Open the pod bay doors, Hal!” - Per ardua ad astra
