Despicable Z
Having recently watched Despicable Me 2 and World War Z in quick succession I am struck by the similarity of the respective storylines. In both films the protagonist is taken to an off shore headquarters to be persuaded to take leave from his family responsibilities in order to save the world from a dangerous virus. One, which in both films, turns people into flesh eating monsters. Brad and Gru both team up with a well-trained female partner, face airborne danger, and try to find a way of disguising themselves from the infected. Such was the similarity that my mind has merged these films into a new film called Despicable Zee. In this version the motorcycle cop in Philadelphia is replaced with a Minion shouting BEE DAH, BEE DAH through a megaphone, Brad enters B Wing armed only with a Golf Tee, and hordes of Minions scale the walls of Israel, rather than a tower. The only thing I'm left wondering is why did the people in Cardiff not just paint themselves purple?
"I'm entitled. Simple. End of.."