
I don't understand why he was made out to be 'the hot guy' because all I could think was, "did they make him look like jack black on purpose????" The actor is a good looking guy, when he is NOT in costume for this movie.


Jack black?
A man in his 40's who is like 70lbs overweight?

Pleeease get your eyes checked.


Sadly,I agree with seeing the similarity to Jack Black. I was hoping to see someone more like....oh whatshisface that plays Four in Divergent. *sigh* if only fans were allowed to do the casting :D


Theo James. Yes! He would have been way better as Dimitri! I don't even care that he's not Eastern European. He's sexy and he's HOT! (Unfortunately, the last time I checked, the little girls over on the "Divergent" boards were complaining that he's too old! *eyeroll*)


I think he was all right

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


He reminded me more of Elijah from TV show The Originals. He doesn't really look like him, both are hawt! But the way he acted, all duty, loyal, honor etc. I loved him myself. He ended up being the reason I watched it or would re-watch it.


too bad it never got more views the series is pretty good and syndey is good too

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


I can easily bypass looks if an actor does a good job. My issue with the actor is that in Vampire Academy he was very, very bland. I kept wondering what the cute spunky lead girl saw in him.


He's actually more bland in the books and never really smiles. The movie gave him more personality.

I would always rather be happy than dignified. 


Its that terrible haircut he's got in the movie. So, so bad.
