loved it

I read several highly negative reviews and a couple of intriguing raves which convinced me to see it. Reviews have become so untrustworthy lately. The thing about this movie is it has a strongly anti-establishment theme. The heroes are a guy on the fringe of society and a couple of strippers. The villain is a psychopathic "hero" cop. That's why I can't stand those cop shows on TV - good guys and bad guys. This movie is much closer to reality because, in truth, the real bad guys are *within* the establishment. Actually, it would be more accurate to say they *are* the establishment. And so, of course, are reviewers who work for the corporate media. I suspect the word comes down from on high to trash movies like these. The twist at the end was a bit of a letdown - it was basically Michael Biehn covering his ass by throwing a little misdirection over the anti-establishment theme. But a brave and highly entertaining movie nonetheless, especially if you loathe that phony cop show genre with a passion like me. This is the corrective. Ryan Honey plays the psychopath to a tee - one of the most memorable bad guys in recent years.

Welcome to Costco, I love you...


i enjoyed it too.
im a fan of exploitation films and am glad they are slowly making a return.

liked the bad guy cop who didnt seem intimidating but the kind of guy who would kill you to save his own a$$.
i very much enjoyed Kyle who seemed very unassuming yet was not stupid. he was quite clever when interrogating the cop. i like that scene because it shows us that even though Kyle just got out of bed with Annie, that there is still a possibility he doesnt believe her story. so he believes her because the cop is answering questions all wrong. compared to the usual hollywood junk where the hero is all up in the clouds over the girl he just went to bed with.

i would have liked if the story took place over 2 days. didnt really like that the daytime stuff happened so quickly and we are in the nighttime for the whole thing until the ending. the night for day filter didnt bother me at all, it was just that i would have liked to have seen the pacing take place over more than just 1 night.

