Misleading - as I'm betting women/kids have technology
On back of dvd case I'm holding, it says - 'The locals, whose daily routines have hardly changed over the centuries ...' - come on! I'm betting, real money! - that they have computers, even if they're not linked up to the internet, they're playing video games. And watching dvds and such. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. But they showed the townsfolk and the kids were wearing many of the latest casual fashions. And like many have posted - maybe these men were more at peace than most men - more contented perhaps, but not seeing a lot of 'happiness.' And I'm betting some of the women would have LOVED the chance to get away from the kids and housework and live alone for awhile, or have the men take over for a bit so the wives can get away. Okay, rant over.