MovieChat Forums > Snowtown (2011) Discussion > What victims did u cheer when slain ??

What victims did u cheer when slain ??

That crossdressing scumbag seem to know a little to much about all the pedophiles that jacked off outside of elentary schools so i was'nt losing any sleep when he was found in a barrel..If he did'nt kill so many innocents he probably would've gotten off alot less punishment kind of like a dexter charachter.No one likes pedophiles..So when there found dismembered in a friggin barrel no one seems to mind all that much.


i dont think there was anyone or anything about the victims you could realy cheer on about but bunting thought he was doing society a favor by killing the people. what you have to understand is that people who come from or live in south australia are a very different breed of people as to what you might find in queensland or new south wales or even victoria for that matter and they think differently about what life is about compared to other people in other states. and even though the people bunting and his group of misfits killed may have been sick or not quite normal people they still have rights and are victims in this case. they may have done some nasty crimes over the years but that is for the police and a court of law to decide and not the general public. the law says that you are innocent until proven guilty by a jury in a court of law and the law must be applied equaly to all people. so in the eyes of the law they were innocent victims. however in saying what i have said i dont entirety agree with the law at times and the law isnt perfect but we have to have some sort of structure to live by other wise we as people we are nothing.


what you have to understand is that people who come from or live in south australia are a very different breed of people as to what you might find in queensland or new south wales or even victoria for that matter and they think differently about what life is about compared to other people in other states

As someone who lives in South Australia, I sincerely hope you're taking the piss, what a load of *beep*

What is depicted in this movie is thankfully so far removed from the lives of most people in SA or Australia for that matter. One of the major feelings I came away with after watching Snowtown, as well as disgust, was a realization of how fortunate I am not to be born into such a low socio-economic group. To say that this movie portrays an accurate representation of South Australian's and life in SA in general, is totally absurd.

Considering that must people live in and around the city of Adelaide, not 145km away in Snowtown and considering that Adelaide was ranked the 5th most liveable city in the world and is in Lonely Planet's top ten cities to visit, I think it's safe to say that life here is pretty damn good.

For what it's worth, John Bunting was born in Queensland and Robert Wagner was originally from NSW, doesn't really fit your *beep* theory now then does it?

To the topic creator, I really don't think there was anything to cheer for in this movie, let alone the killings.


The majority of Bunting's victims were mentally disabled. Murdered because they were seen as "unfit" and easy targets. other victims were or suspected of being gay or sex offenders. (keyword "suspected".) John was not a Vigilante cleaning up the streets. He was a monster who killed innocent people.

~I love the rhythm it is my methoood!~


He was a monster who killed innocent people.
Exactly, he killed people just for fun. He came up with the lame excuse that "he was doing society a favor" to justify those Salem Witch Huntish killings. I mean, he even killed a guy just because the guy resembled another guy that he had already killed.


Whatever you do, DON'T click on here:


There were also financial motivations eg. after the murders they stole their property, collected their mail, stole identities, and cashed-in their social security cheques.



The original question was phrased in an ungainly and morally confused way, so I'm going to answer the following question.

Which legally innocent victims made you cheer for the murderer, when they were tortured, mutilated and killed?

A: None.


Stupid thread. Not surprising from a wannabe satanist.

