what you have to understand is that people who come from or live in south australia are a very different breed of people as to what you might find in queensland or new south wales or even victoria for that matter and they think differently about what life is about compared to other people in other states
As someone who lives in South Australia, I sincerely hope you're taking the piss, what a load of *beep*
What is depicted in this movie is thankfully so far removed from the lives of most people in SA or Australia for that matter. One of the major feelings I came away with after watching Snowtown, as well as disgust, was a realization of how fortunate I am not to be born into such a low socio-economic group. To say that this movie portrays an accurate representation of South Australian's and life in SA in general, is totally absurd.
Considering that must people live in and around the city of Adelaide, not 145km away in Snowtown and considering that Adelaide was ranked the 5th most liveable city in the world and is in Lonely Planet's top ten cities to visit, I think it's safe to say that life here is pretty damn good.
For what it's worth, John Bunting was born in Queensland and Robert Wagner was originally from NSW, doesn't really fit your *beep* theory now then does it?
To the topic creator, I really don't think there was anything to cheer for in this movie, let alone the killings.