Fun Movie

Great cast, entertaining movie, not too over the top(other than endless gun fire without reloading).

If you watched this expecting anything other than a b movie, you are clearly not an experienced film watcher. Pretty much anything with Slater sucks. I knew the second I saw his name. When I watched the trailer it confirmed my suspicion of a b movie. I expected 1/10 when I first watched it and came out with about a 6/10 for sheer entertainment value.
"Death! Delicious strawberry flavored death!"


My wife and I watched it today. It was an entertaining B movie!


Yes, certainly one of the better b-movies. I do believe it was only saved due to the cast though.

"Death! Delicious strawberry flavored death!"


Agreed. If this had a different/lame cast it would not have been as good.

World War 2 Movie timeline - The List!


I expected it to be far far worse, but I was pleasantly pleased. Production values were pretty good, didn't feel too cheap and most of the name actors were in good form. Obviously it's all pretty low scale action but for a cheapo B-Movie they did pretty well for themselves. Colm Meaney was, as ever, a great bad guy and Christian Slater back in great shape are the stand outs but Ving and the boys all provide solid support. Shame they didn't have a little more to work with story wise.


Went in with the lowest expectations, surprised how much I enjoyed it too. The beginning was bad, but once Sean Bean, Dominic Monaghan, Ving Rhames and James Cromwell got introduced, it turned around fast. Me and my friends personally liked it better than The Expendables.



I mildly enjoyed it, even tho it even extremely silly, almost like Tropic Thunder almost


I agree with the other posts. I enjoyed the movie. Now if they could have made up their mind if they want to make a comedy or a serious movie it would have been quite good. Maybe start watching only after the card game.


Lol , Not to over the top ? , Of course not , 1 super soldier " had to be American " goes in when his buddy is in trouble and wipes out a whole compound of Taliban , with not 1 round fired back at him . Yeah , Not to over the top that , Geez


Yeah, thought it was pretty fun too. Anything Sean Bean or Christian Salter can always be counted as halfway entertaining right? Except maybe Ca$h.

Heads or Tails kitty Cat?


I would love to say it was one of those "so bad, its good" films, but there just wasnt quite enough ridiculousness and cheese.


Ca$h or Soldiers of Fortune?

Heads or Tails kitty Cat?
