100 things I learned from this movie
1. Amateur goatherders wishing to fund their rebellion can get in touch with multi-millionaires all over the world.
2. Sovereign countries don't mind having rebel camps on their soil training to invade a neighboring piece of land.
3. Mineral-rich islands on the border between two states would not be hotly contested by those states, and any tin-pot dictator can walk in and claim them for his own.
4. Professional soldiers attempt to take a beach in broad daylight, taking the word of a goat-herder that it's unguarded, instead of landing near the rebel camp under the cover of night.
5. Rebel camps do not post sentries, and are brightly lit at night so the enemy can spot them.
6. Tin-pot dictators don't use their helicopter to scout for rebel camps.
7. Self-propelled assault guns with their barrel at max elevation can hit targets just a hundred yards away.
8. Jet skis explode when they hit something.
9. Never trust someone who runs a hedge fund.
10. A bazooka is effective at 500+ yards against a rapidly moving boat.