Finished the movie... reluctantly
The movie looks good, the actors are fine, And I like the premise.
The thing I hate is the I0I badguys. They worthless as antagonists and their whole "I'm a big bad Corporation" schtick was lame. They couldn't compete in the field, shot like storm troopers, and had no real impact on heroes ability to solve the puzzle.
In the real world, they weren't too effective either. It's like the writer thought the story needed a boiler plate bad guy with no purpose so that's what we got.
At 120 minutes, I was ready to say fuck it, and not finish the movie. I came back and watched the last hour only to be utterly dissatisfied with the antagonist. They were just bad to be bad and nothing else. That's lame.
If it were me, I'd have the antagonist be a friend who backstabs the group and is an equally good player. It wouldn't require a 40 minute battle scene of 80's movie references.