what kind of 80s stuff were you expecting?
In the race was expecting to see stuff like Michael Knight (CG 80s Hoff) in KITT shouting out to BA and Hannibal (CG 80s Mr T/Peppard) in the ATeam van which is next to Street Hawk and Magnum (CG 80s selleck) in his red Ferrari (also a nod to Selleck almost being Indy). as above Airwolf hovers and Stringfellow Hawke (80s JMV) call signs to Blue Thunder (1983 Roy Scheider at the controls), as 1980s Clint looks out the window of Firefox and nods to 1986 Tom Cruise in an F14 and then Superman (1980s Christopher Reeve) flys past his window.
Then in the bar scene wed see 1980s Wrath of Khan era Admiral Kirk & Captain Spock hanging out with 1977 New Hope era Han Solo and Starbuck (70s Dirk Benedict) as Temple of Doom era Indiana Jones walks out as he and Han double take at each other .. then 1980s Roger Moore Bond walks in the bar past the 1984 Arnold Terminator to join the various 007s already sat at a booth table, and in next booth we see is full of 1980s Kurts Russells (Snake Plissken, MacReady, and Jack Burton) as Flash Gordon (actual Sam Jones now from Teds no need to deage) gets up from a table and challenges Buck Rogers (70s Gill Gerard) to a game of Space Invaders. then a fight breaks out between 1988 McClane and 1987 Riggs and then we see Roy Batty with Deckard ordering at the bar
some of them could be the actual guys CG deaged as most would give their right nut to be in a Spielberg movie. but others who are deceased now (CReeve etc) would either be CG recreations or actual footage from various movies used spliced in via CG or just reaction shots...and that couldve also applied to the still living old guys just use old footage spliced in via CG (no need for the actual actors then cgi deaged unless necessary)
but was little to no use of particular actors images in the movie - just the iconic characters (that weren't specific to a particular actor) or ships/cars/clothes/equipment associated with them so mustve been a rights issue - yeh you can use stuff to do with such and such but not the actors likeness (probably why no Jack Nicolson in Shining scenes)