Cast for remake...

Which american actors would you choose for the parts of both Philippe and Driss?

I would choose Dustin Hoffmann as Philippe and Chris Tucker as Driss.

I think it would be great seeing Chris Tucker as Driss, don't you think? He's damm funny and the character would suit him very well.


Definitely Dustin, and Tyrese Gibson as Driss. They both look the part as a bonus, but perfectly fitting the shoes of the characters.


One minute this board says that a black man was hired because of his ties with the director but then when you all are afforded the opportunity to choose a different actor, you choose dark skinned black men. Typical.


I would hate to think there would be a remake, but HYPOTHETICALLY (a point most people are missing) if there was than Alan Rickman would be superb - right look, and great combination of humour and serious acting. I also would go for Ben Youcef - particularly as the film was based on the story of an Algerian, not a west African. But that's semi-purist. I think Chris Tucker would be good - and if we are going "All-American", De Niro as Philippe. Though I actually think Christoph Waltz would be excellent...


do you who is most like to play driss now it's gonna be kevin hart how man of you really think this is a bad choice for this role (i just don't feel he is the right guy for the role )


Unless Kevin Hart is going to show off an entirely new impressive side of his acting range this remake sounds like it will be awful.


why should this ever get a remake?
oh yes sure, because its not american and they want their share


Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart have been confirmed for the remake.
