MovieChat Forums > Intouchables (2011) Discussion > Moral of the story, have fun in your lif...

Moral of the story, have fun in your life

This guy was in a friggin wheelchair and figured out how to have fun by not being such a prude rich old guy and letting loose. I think there is a lesson in that for everyone.


i agree to an extent.

But i think its deeper than just having fun.

Driss basically openned up a whole new world to Phillipe...
Phillipe was accustomed to the aristocrat livelihood all his life... Surrounded by yes men and women.... Who worked for him so they just complied to his commands.

Driss showed him to relax, break habits, say what you feel rather what is politically correct all the time.

I mean, Driss is poor with family issues but he doesnt let that hold him back... He still looks for the positives everywhere. He also taught Phillipe to move on and dont be limited and held back the past.

Its a brilliant film.


The moral of this story is there there is always some hope if you are a millionaire...
