I was dissapointed at first, now I'm pissed off (spoilers included)
I started watching this series even though my best friend told me not to, him being a great fan of the legend of King Arthur, he stopped watching after Arthur's first scene.
The costumes are stunning, the settings are awesome, the music is nice, but the "liberties" the writers took are appalling.
My first opinion of the show: It's made by the same team that made The Tudors. They took a big chance in casting JRM for the role of H8, a decisión many people hated, and yet it worked because H8 is not a liked character to begin with. When you cast a sex symbol for the part of H8 and you dislike him, he's probably doing something right. They took the same risk with Jamie Campbell what's-his-name. But when you dislike King Arthur on a show inspired by the legend of King Arthur, we have a problem.
It's not Jamie's fault, his problem is his lack of experience, when put beside Joseph Fiennes, you can tell Joseph is miles above Jamie in the experience department. With some extra work, I am sure Jamie can become experienced and become a good actor. I hope he does. But the poor guy, even with all the experience in the world, how can he satisfyingly play such a poor written Arthur? My God, what have they done to this character we grew up to love and admire?
Episode 1: An ok episode, except Arthur sleeps with his brother's girlfriend, blames her for it, and then proceeds to mock his brother by saying "Things happen. Twice." Did his brother need to know that much? It was like verbally giving him the finger. And his brother tells him something like this: "Things come easy to you" and I thought "Yes, even your pardon, Kay".
Episode 2: Another ok episode.
Episode 3: Guinivere dates Leontes (whoever he is) for 10-15 years, is engaged to him for 5 years, and never puts out. She then proceeds to give her treasure to some guy she's met 3 times before. On her wedding day!!! Then she stains the wedding bedsheets with blood she got from a dead dog that was killed by an arrow and happened to lie there in the forest (how convenient, my question is, who would put an arrow through a dog just because?). Had it been me, I'd have cut my pinky toe or something rather than putting blood from a dead dog in my bed, but to each it's own. But all this didn't bother me as much as Arthur sleeping with the betrothed of a man that owes him nothing and yet saved his life. Does this guy have no values or what? Nothing to do with chivalry and loyalty and all those great values shared at the round table.
Episode 4: This was a cool episode, I was finally thinking "This is getting better" and then in a bad twist of things, Merlin murders the blacksmith that forged the king's sword, not even a magical sword or a relic of any relevance, no, just a very well made sword, but he doesn't kill him for the sword, he kills him over who gets to deliver the sword? And then he is considering his actions when the blacksmith's daughter takes the sword, that in my book belongs to her since at that point no payment had been made over the sword, and Merlin runs after her, freezes the lake, she falls to the water, he could've stopped the magic, but no, he runs to her, she breaks the ice with the sword, and he... takes... the sword. Why didn't he take her hand as a decent man would've done? No, he takes the sword, and instead of using magic to counteract the freezing of the lake, no, he bangs the ice with the hilt of the sword (I don't get how a 12 year old girl managed to break the ice underwater and a grown man can't break it from outside) and even though he is failing, he does it over and over again until the girl drowns. And then he gets beat up (like that's gonna bring back the blacksmith and his daughter) and then he proudly presents the sword to the king. I'd be embarassed to give him that sword with the history it already has.
I have 6 episodes to watch, but with Arthur ruined and Merlin ruined, I don't know what to expect now.