MovieChat Forums > Camelot (2011) Discussion > Whoever canceled this show should be fir...

Whoever canceled this show should be fired

For his lack of taste and judgement, this was actually a very good show, it had so much potential.


This show was cancelled for a reason... it sucked.


No what sucks is "Merlin" the kid's version of Camelot, can you actually compare Camelot to Merlin? Hell no


I agree they can hardly be compared since they are so different. As a consequence, I find it just as impossible to declare that one sucks and the other rocks.

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


"No what sucks is "Merlin" the kid's version of Camelot, can you actually compare Camelot to Merlin? Hell no"

forsaken, I agree with pol-edra on this. You can't compare the two. I felt Camelot could have been better for reasons I've already said on this board, but I have to say that I love the TV version of Merlin. I'm by no means a kid, but I watched the whole series on TV online, and I'm rewatching it now on Netflix while I wait for Season 5. And if the youtube clips and the amount of comments there are any indication of how much this show is watched, it's also an indication of how much it's loved. It does not suck at all. It's just wonderful.

And you know what I like about it? It takes you to that fantasy place, where you feel as if you're actually there or want to be there. Camelot on the other hand makes you glad you're not. I wish Merlin in Camelot wasn't so brooding or angry all the time, whereas Merlin in "Merlin" is always happy and gives you such a good, happy feeling as well. Well that's my take...

This is my signature and I'm sticking to it. lol


No, the casting director should be fired for casting the wrong actor as Arthur.


Yeah, but the exec producers must have had final say in the casting of Arthur. What the hell were they thinking?

This show could have been a lot better. I think casting GOOD actors in the roles of Guinevere and Arthur would have helped a great deal.


I enjoyed Flash forward but couldn't say Joseph was a strong flavour in that gotta say loved his interprtation of merlin in this show it shouldn't have been canned:-/

pack your panties Sammie, we're hitting the road...



How anyone can possibly claim Camelot was "good" is completely beyond me.

I really wanted to like this show. I tried really hard. I like fantasy and I like King Arthur stuff.

But this show simply started awful and it stayed awful.

It wasnt heroic, it wasnt relateable, it wasnt funny, it wasnt realistic, it wasnt dramatic, it wasnt romantic, it was simply a bunch of really unsympathetic characters being themselves, i.e. being stupid, brutal, and idiotic.

And an Eva Green who somehow still manages to be awesome in between.

Why anyone would enjoy this crap is beyond me.

Always listen to your own advice.


I agree i thought it was fantastic and very enjoyable.
Sure it wasn't the same standard as game of thrones but i still found it great to watch. A very modern and unique take on the Arthurian legend, and i think the actor for Arthur was a great choice, he brought a whole new spin to it.
Such a shame it was never continued.


They should have given this series at least one more season before giving up on it. To invest so much, only to abandon it.

To each their own...opinion


I liked this show for what it was but I will explain simply why it was cancelled.

The actor for Arthur was abysmal. The character was horribly written. The actor was too "pop culture" he just had a look about him, that made his character obvious. The character was written as whiny, stupid and hardly heroic. The development went way too quickly if there was any. He really didn't deliver lines very well to begin with, almost wooden.

Morgan(Eva Green) had horrible dialogue and cliched character in general. The actress delivered the lines to par,it was simply the content that made the character unlikable. She was too evil and without flavor, humanity or morality. Ironically it is the same issue with Morgana from the BBC series "Merlin". Always up to no good, always with a benign purpose. She was certainly attractive though.

Guinevere was horribly cliched and the actress wasn't very good. Enough said.

The Queen, whose name escapes me was great. Her acting was solid, her character well written. But she didn't play much of a part...

Fiennes as Merlin was great. He had all dynamics one could wish for in a character and he delivered excellent lines and scenes but needed more screen time as well.

Bottom line: More screw ups than positives. It is hard to watch a show where the lead makes you cringe with every flat or overexerted emotion and line. Forced love triangles do not help. Forced evil with seemingly no good answer also does not help.

And LMAO with Arthur suddenly being a combat GOD, facing off against 30+ foes alone with a little under 2 weeks to a months training.

That is almost as bad as Herschel's endless firing of hundreds of bullets at Zombies in the Walking Dead season 2 finale with only reloading once.(However I can accept this as it was quite humorous and more believable than Arthur: GOD of War.

"Death! Delicious strawberry flavored death!"
