No Lancelot?

This show is just coming to Canada so I was looking it up and there doesn't seem to be a Lancelot Character in the credits. Is there really no Lancelot?

Its something you'll get used to a mental mind *beep* can be nice!


Nope, no Lancelot. The closest you get is Leontes, which some viewers consider to be a "kind of" Lancelot, due to his relationship to Arthur and Guinevere, but characterwise, he's nothing like him.

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


It seems to me that the real Lancelot substitute is Arthur himself, who takes the Lancelot role in the "adulterous-affair-with-friend's-wife-love-triangle" motif, in which Leontes is the Arthur-like cuckold.


I wondered when the introduced us to the Leontes-Guinevere betrothal aspect of a few things, all speculation on my part mind you. Would they...

1. Force Arthur and Guinevere to have an affair throughout season 1...obvious yes, but cliche.

2. Allow Leontes to learn of the affair in season 1 or wait until season 2...obvious as well but with the amount of drama they already had unresolved and their inability to solve it without creating twice the original amount wouldn't allow me to be hopeful.

3. Allow Leontes to live when they inevitably allow him to find out about the affair due to piss poor episodes that somehow needed even more drama.

4. Allow Leontes to die pissed at his wife as he should have and to have actually either knocked out Arthur or left him to fend for himself as the King broke their bonds with his actions so he was no longer sworn to defend this dishonorable king.

I know most were obvious cliche's and there were way more but it's been a couple of months and I've forgotten most of them but the one that I do recall...

5. Will the writers kill off Leontes after allowing for multiple affairs and forgiving the two people who deserve his dying contempt? Yep to all of those...Will they then introduce a new character at the end of season 2 (had it survived) that reminds our lovely whore and her pig of her former husband this one actually being named Lancelot. Would he spend the better part of season 3 resisting his urges towards the King's new wife? Would they finally give way to their nature and fulfill the legend with a correctly named character?

All of this crap and more was dancing through my head by the end of episode 2 or 3 as to how it could all have been a simple variation of names they could let themselves out of later if need be and show precedence towards the hypocrisy of the King and the whorish past of his Queen.

I did like Leontes though, even with the obvious cliches. He and Gawain just didn't annoy me often like most of the others.


Had Camelot continued on into season 2, we would have met Lancelot. SPOILERS follow if you haven't seen the finale: In the season finale, Leontes is killed at the battle of Bardon Pass. When Arthur and his knights return to Camelot, they begin construction of the round table. They have a seat for Leontes, saying that they will keep it vacant until a warrior as true as him can take his place. As we all know, this would have been Lancelot.

So, had we gotten a season 2, Lancelot would have been part of it, most likely.

Winter Is Coming.
A Dance With Dragons July 12th.


We do not all know this. it might as well have been Galahad, or Perceval. A Lancelot was a possibility, but not a necessity, especially, once you've already had a Leontes.

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


But really, besides Arthur and Merlin, Lancelot is one of the most popular characters in Arthurian legend, and you could tell Starz was implying this, since they were taking inspiration for Le Morte de'Arthur.

Winter Is Coming.
A Dance With Dragons July 12th.


They said they were taking their inspiration from Malory. I doubt they actually did. Have you recognized anything remotely Malorian in their script?
Several posters here wondered whether Leontes was not Lancelot under a different name; I don't know, all I'm saying is we can't be sure Lancelot would have been introduced in season 2.

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


I wasn't bothered by the lack of Lancelot. 15 years later I still have a hangover from Richard Gere's Lancelot.


Lol. His Lancelot was indeed painful to watch.

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


It was more than that. He destroyed a legendary character.


That I can't agree to. One bad actor in one bad movie cannot destroy a character that has 9 centuries of magnificent literature to back him up.

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


Richard Gere was a dreadful Lancelot, but, I think the BBC's Merlin had a good Lancelot - who didn't really betray his King


So if the show had continued, Guinevere would've cheated on Leontes to get with Arthur and then leave Arthur to get down with Lancelot? Wow. Way to go, Guinever! Good times. Too bad about the kindgom falling apart, though.


Leontes died, Guinevere would not have been "cheating" on him with Arthur. But basically yes, that's what some posters saw as happening. I guess a fair number of them saw it as just payback for Arthur's behaviour. I for one would have found such a story-arc boring and redundant, but considering how bad the writing was in season 1, I wouldn't entirely put it out of the writers' scope.

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


Uhm, not sure what you mean by "not have been cheating on him with Arthur". Did you watch the show? Cause Arthur b*nged her the day of the wedding, not to mention hooking up once or twice again before Leontes died. So yeah, they pretty much wrote the book on cheating. Going through the same scenario with added Lancelot and Arthur on the receiving end would have been redundant.But alas, they canceled the show so we'll never know.Too bad


I was responding to the previous post, which began "if the show had continued, she would have cheated on Leontes with Arthur." I don't see how you can cheat on someone if said someone is dead. Does a widow cheat on her first husband when she remarries? I don't think so. She definitely cheated on Leontes while he was alive, but I don't see how she could have cheated on him once he was dead. "Unfaithful to his memory", maybe. But I think the big problem was her being unfaithful to HIM, as a live fiancé.

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."



Where did you get that ten year difference from?

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


In the original story Lancelot showed up after the kingdom was established. My guess is they were planning on introducing him in season 2.

When govt fears the people there is liberty when the people fear govt there is tyranny-T Jefferson


Lancelot doesn't come till much later, this is a young Arthur not an old one


Depends which story you go by (in any case, "much" is a subjective feeling, considering sources hardly ever give an age or a number of years to indicate time passing). This series wrote its own Arthurian story (they claimed Malory as a source of inspiration, I didn't see it), you can't go by what you've read about king Arthur before to make predictions about the show. The BBC's Merlin has both a young Arthur and a Lancelot, so do countless novels, regardless of Malory's timeline.

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."

