Since I dont think there was a King Arthur I doubt you are gonna find a Camelot.
The Arthurian mythology is a weird mishmash of Irish, Welsh, British and french folktales some grounded deeper in actual history then others (and aparantly different historic figgures)
It is my impression that a lot of the Arthur-Merlin-Camelot elements come from the legendary Irish ruler Conchobar mac Nessa who lived and ruled Norther Ireland from his seat in Eamhain Mhacha. He was found and raisedby old and very famous wiseman and Druid at by the name of Cathbad. Conchobar became king when he was 7 years old and is surrounded by the greatest warriors/knights in irish mythology.
His first wife Medb bears him a son but is divorced and turns into his worst enemy and a constant thorn in his side later.
He is a cunning and very succesfull ruler (even with a magic sword) right to the day when he falls in love (more lust realy) with the wrong woman (Deidre) who doesnt ove him in return and runs of with a young man with raven back hair at the court of Conchobar (stop me if you have heard any of this).
From there is kinda all goes to Sh!t as Conchobar ruthlessly chases them and betrays them in the end after having promised them peace and a safe return. He survived the batle but is wounded in such a way that he dies from the grave injury a few years later (his head explodes if i recall right)
If you look at the entire Ulster Cycle you pretty much have all the ingrediens for the Arthus myth and if you throw in the historic elements and a few other regional specialities and add some christian re-tellings here and there e voila "King Arthur is born"(Just change the names realy)
So if you want to find Camelot I fear your gonna have to go visit Ireland.