Very very well done character development
I have to praise the animators for the subtle character growth in Loki and Thor in this animated feature. I love the symmetric contrast from the beginning and the ending to compare who is headed to ascend and who's struggling downwards the spiral.
The contrast of the scene in the stalls with Sif in the beginning (rejecting Thor and all) versus Loki with Amora (happily practicing magic and actually getting a romance of his own). Unlike Thor, Loki seemed a peacemaker, just mischievous.
At the end, the traumatic experience made Thor a better man for his mistakes but shattered Loki who realized his shortcomings. Now the magic scene is of him, unhappy and alone, freezing the water snake. While Thor gets a good ending of understanding, love and respect Sif in the stalls.
I loved the symmetry. Their situations tilted.