olivia ends up betraying eric bana's character (her brother) because she develops feelings for the other dude, and she knows that bana's never gonna quit being evil. and then in the end, she lives and he dies... i won't be surprised if that's the way it turns out.
I knew people would die but I just wasn't sure just how many. Quite often these days they will go for the totally catastrophic ending so you just never really know for sure. I enjoyed it. Super heroes don't do much for me.
At the end of the movie, -Kristofferson has a Thanksgiving Day country western concert, where... -Hunnam shows up on a Harley with Wilde on the b-pad, which makes... -Bana jealous, who then turns green and smashes Hunnam, splashing... -Spacek with his blood, which freaks her out and she kills everybody with the power of her mind.
-Roll credits, over a cutscene of... -special guest Ron Perlman in a little cabin, smoking a cigar and laughing evilly while he sews a patch on a leather vest. The patch reads "President...again".
That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell