MovieChat Forums > Deadfall (2012) Discussion > So they gave away the whole movie in the...

So they gave away the whole movie in the trailer?

Still, looks like a fine movie.


I'm surprised when they don't give the whole plot away. But yah, I can already figure this whole movie out without the need to see it.


every hollywood trailer gives the entire plot away


Nah, look at "The Master" trailer for how trailers should be crafted.


ok, so what? this looks like a movie based on sensation and excitement, the trailer is only 2 minutes or so out of an entire movie. im sure there will still be entertainment to be had regardless of whether we know the plot or not. cheap fun is still cheap fun.


Who watches the trailers... srsly


Watching the trailer, this reminds me a LOT of "A Simple Plan", at least the winter scenery and large amount of stolen money. But for some reason I get the feeling this isnt gonna be even close to as good, so dont really feel like seeking it out to watch it.
