Agreed. Especially when the one cop threw her off her snowmobile... like any real cop would really do that?! It wouldn't have changed much to make the dad over-protective instead of abusive. He would still have shunned her away from the manhunt but for "nicer" reasons. They were trying too hard to mirror Addison & Liza's relationship, and to a certain extent Liza & her dad. There is so much abuse towards women in that movie it gets a little annoying.
I can understand the part of throwing her off snowmobile. She was rookie and they probably grew up together, she'd be their forever "little sister". I do think the dad-daughter plot did not work at all. It was actually annoying.
Her name is Kate Mara. Learn it. There might be a website out there where you can easily find the names of people in movies. I'll let you know when I find one.
I didn't like that there was no kind of closure one way or the other on their relationship. If they still don't have a "happy ending" and she tells him she's leaving for the FBI, if he dies, etc etc why couldn't we have any sort of hinting at what happens with them? Or are we just supposed to assume he ends up dying from the gunshot wound?
Yes, it's a plot point that went nowhere. Here are some loose ends I can think of:
-Her relationship with her father -Her being accepted into FBI (they did nothing with this, it would have been more interesting if the reason she kept running into the bad guy was because she was naturally good and would then explain why she'd be good for the FBI and ultimately her good police work would lead the father to admit he was a douche and she was a good cop. Instead nothing of her story line was resolved). -Her relationship with Jay (this one was hinted at but then went absolutely no where) -Hell, even the fact that she shot the guy had no impact on the film whatsoever. And when she found him the second time she ultimately changed nothing and wasn't changed by anything. It's as if her character was impervious to be being affected or effective in any way in this film. If she had been entirely removed, what would have changed? Another cop would have been tasked to go to the cabin. Her warning was too little too late so whoever answered still would have died. The next guy still would have died by the fence. The sheriff still would have found the snow mobile and called it in.
I'm amazed, but her role in the film was absolutely nothing. She was like a ghost. The only thing she did in the entire film that changed anything was going to the cabin in the woods, and that role could have been doled out to one of the other cops.
In fact, even when she had important information that linked the first part of the film with the rest of the film, she never delivers the information. She was sent by the Detroit PD to the house, but we never find out what happened. She says "concussion" on the phone, so the guy isn't dead. She is sent to question Jay, but we don't know if he's being questioned as a named suspect, or if he's being questioned because the guy whose ass he kicked lied and claimed he fell and other witnesses told a contradictory story so they'd want Jay to corroborate (which would mean he wasn't in any trouble).
Great post You said all the things and then some extra stuff I was wondering about. It's like they started writing her character and someone said stop this is about Olivia not girl cop.
I wasn't interested in their relationship. He was an abusive a-hole and I didn't want to know any more about him after they revealed that. All the older guys in this movie were dicks, it was kind of weird.