MovieChat Forums > Deadfall (2012) Discussion > This movie just plain Sucks

This movie just plain Sucks

The Story sucks
The Acting REALLY sucks, especially Charlie Hunnam
The locations suck
The Directing sucked

This flick sucks.....Period



Lol, saw it last night with my brothers and it did suck. The acting was unbeleivable, the pacing went by too fast, and the storyline was cliche.

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum. - They Live


How can Eric Bana suck acting? O_O


He obviously can't, you don't get to sword fight with Brad Pitt if your a *beep* actor, these peeps just hated the movie but aren't smart enough to know why they hated it so they get mad and say stupid *beep*

"I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you I throw up!"


'these peeps just hated the movie but aren't smart enough to know why they hated it so they get mad and say stupid *beep*'

What are you talking about? Everyone who hated this movie stated they hated it because the story was so cliched and nothing new saying this they clearly are smart enough to know why they hated it...and I agree with them.. (She falls in love the first day she meets the guy and the guy all of a sudden is protecting her because he loves her after only one day...and she kills her brother over him?! Give me a break...oh and the girl is the one who becomes good, whereas the brother is always the evil one...predictable are bad and woman become oh so good and other men protecting them)

Read peoples comments before making a statement like that. (or are you too stupid to do that, as you claim others are?!)


I saw it on cable TV on demand. it was OK. Not that bad, just OK.


at least da popcorn tasted ok...alrite, it needed a bit of salt...

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafcker


I actually thought the acting was on point. The story is very cliched and Kate Mara was a bit miscast but other than that it was solid. It wasn't the greatest thing to come out this year but it was better than a lot of the garbage I have seen.


All posters besides one right above me are deadwrong, pun intended. Anyway this movie was pretty sick and I'd say my taste in movies is pretty spot on.

It is not often, almost never actually, that I watch a straight to video movie that is any good. This was great, the story was good, the acting was great, perhaps your unaware of the cast, many of them, men and women, are all fine actors that have been on the bus probably longer than most of you have been alive.

How does the location suck, I'm quite confused by this statement I mean did the location suck in "Fargo"? The directing was decent, not amazing but not poor, the shot of the car turning over shot from inside the car was pretty well done with the money flowing up to the ceiling and all.

Overall I think the movie deserves a rating in the 7's like 7.5 or 7.7. Please for the benefit of mankind I hope none of you become movie critics. If your going to say a movie is bad at least back it up with an intelligent argument, it is really annoying when people bash good movies with retarded ass reasons.

"I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you I throw up!"


I'm sure in the extremely delusional world of "Boy Wonder", this is a great movie.
Unfortunately, "Boy Wonder", your movie taste sucks as bad as this movie does.

It's a depressing, pointless, poorly acted, and a terribly directed waste of celluloid.

That's why they make Vanilla Ice Cream, and Chocolate Ice Cream. Some hate Vanilla, and Vice Versa.

Once in a rare instance, someone makes a movie that crosses the boundry between Vanilla and Chocolate; and makes Vanilla Fudge.

This isn't one of them.

The only thing this 'thing' had going for it was pretty people.

To say that you liked this garbage is one thing; but to say it was a "great movie", you either worked on it, acted in it, or Produced it.

If not.... Hang up your critic hat.


In the world of Boy Wonder I am king, and I said away with you sir! GUARDS!

This movie was great! It is not depressing, maybe your just depressed with who you are. It was not pointless it was a story, it had a beginning middle and end. I always say there is no such thing as a good actor just a bad actor, if someone is a good actor you don't know their acting. When someone is a bad actor you can see right through them, no one in this film I thought acted bad, who do you think acted bad in this film? I bet you can't name one actor or actress who was bad in this film, cuz there was none, if you think there was what was bad about their acting explain? You mentioned in your OP Charlie, see right there you prove you know nothing Charlie is a great actor and I think he will be around for awhile, I'll admit if he had longer hair he would have almost mirrored his character from Sons of Anarchy but his character in this film was rather simple and he played it as good as anyone would have. Not sure if you know but the guy is from across the pond and that is pretty much where all the best actors in Hollywood are from now, don't plan on seeing any less of him in the future, I think he'll be around for a while.

And your analogy of movies being like ice cream was stupid, it made no sense. They make vanilla and chocolate, yes OK, so whats that suppose to even mean? They make good and bad movies, and some like good movies and some like bad movies, are you saying chocolate is better than vanilla, a movie is good if it is chocolate who are you to determine if chocolate is better than vanilla, chocolate ice cream sucks, I'd rather have vanilla ice cream, most people would, that is why they put it in ice cream sandwiches and besides pieces of pie, see how what you are saying makes no sense at all, if you want to try again I will give you one more chance to try to express yourself.

Tell me the last 3 recently made films you watched and enjoyed I bet your ass this is better than at least 2 of them.

"I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you I throw up!"


Since you are on a first name basis with "Charlie", and you have such passion about making some nonexistent point why this movie works, you are definitely involved with this flick, or strapped in a straight Jacket in a Federal Looney Bin using your nose to type with.

Even if I were to grant you that the production values of the film are decent,
sound, camera, etc.
It's still a pointless stupid story about characters you don't care about.
It's so stupid on so many levels, I'd need 300GB to lay them all out.

and yes......
"Charlie" really sucked in this flick. Stand-up, Flaming......SUCKED.
Look at his reaction takes. He looks like a waiter that got lucky on a casting call. I don't care what Pond he crossed. loved it, I hated it. Done.

Save your ink....I'm outta here.



Get back here boyA, I ain't done whichU Jus Yet!

I am in no way involved with this film, other than the fact I just pirated the torrent of it off the internet, if I was involved with movies that have big stars in them I wouldn't come on here and debate them with you, I'd be to cool for that. I'm only on a first name basis with Charlie boy because I was too lazy to go back and see how to spell his name correctly. I don't think this is the best movie I have ever seen, just the best one I have seen this week, I mean last film I watched was Alex Cross, so you now can see how I think it's great, I'm not too harsh of a critic, I just don't think a movie is really bash worthy if it entertained you all the way through. This movie, say what you want about it, I bet at least kept you interested, kept you watching, unlike Alex Cross which got a much bigger release in cinemas and pretty much almost put me to sleep and maybe think I could be doing something better with my time.

"I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you I throw up!"


What a great place America! Two wannabe critics cut each other to shreds and then politely finish the

OK, since you are being both serious and civil now, I will give you just a couple of reasons why this movie actually did SUCK:

Sometime in the early 90s, Hollywood Directors finally stopped trying to compete with the Porn Industry in the "Love Scene Department". They realized that in order to compete, they would have to actually get the audience off. To do that, they would have to accept an X or triple X rating for their movie; plus the fact that not too many A list actresses would do an anal So gradually, we started to see more skin, but waaay less sex. A smart director "implies" that two people are screwing, then fades out of it and gets back to the story.

I can tell you from experience, that when you get to the cutting room stage of production, and you realize that you've got 'SQUAT', the Producers, and Director (in order to try and salvage their budget) fall back on Sex and extreme violence to market their flick to the lower IQ viewer who would buy a ticket only to see the aforementioned.

When the first love scene between Wilde and Hunnam went longer than 30 seconds, I did what thousands of other bored viewers did....I went and took a leak.
When I got back to the couch and they were still going at it, for what seemed like 20 minutes later, I knew the Director was either trying to salvage whatever footage he had to make a buck, or he had the Hots for Wilde and that's what this mess was all about from the beginning; he was an idiot, or he was trying to win an AVN award. Whatever the reason...those over extended love scenes took any possibility of the word "Great", out of the description of this waste of celluloid.

Bana's character was underdeveloped and uninteresting. He made some poor acting choices, however, I'll admit that he didn't have too much logic to work with.
The character he was playing was Bi-Polar. He kills half the Police Squad, and then saves a little girl and her Mother from an abusive Stepfather. He could have acted a lot more 'twisted', and make the character a character you'd always remember, but he just read the lines on the page.

The scene at the Thanksgiving dinner with the rifle laying on the table unattended while he was eating, was just bad story telling. Then when the Police Chief shoots his daughter in the back, (because she's wearing Bana's jacket) without even trying to take down Bana in a semi conventional manner, but pops into the room and blasts away at a table full of innocent people....I just shook my head.

In fact, I found myself shaking my head many many times watching this 'thing'.

I could go on for hours.....but in general, it was a waste of talent, (except for Hunnam, who proved he can't act his way out of a paper bag) that would have been better put to a script that had some substance. I hope this Director retires after this film, because he's proven he can't make good choices, (just deciding to make this mess) and he can't get even mediocre performances out of A list actors.

Well...there's a couple of reasons it sucked Wonderboy....

Oh...P.S. I'm an Eric Bana fan. I thought he was great in "Munich", and "Troy".
Now there's a "Great" movie for you.......Munich.
When someone uses the word "Great" when describing an Eric Bana Movie, they should always compare it to a flick like Munich.

In fact, I think I'll pop that in the Blu-Ray player right now. :)


Seriously I can't take you serious, you kind of went off on a random rant their dude. In the end the movie is not as bad as you think because it was entertaining, again, if you are going to diss a movie at least have good reasons, the actions of Bana's character made perfect sense, he said little girls need to be protected, that is why he saved the family (if you wanna put it that way) in the cabin scene. Even if they didn't make perfect sense, do you really think psychos make normal decisions and are rational people.

Also, you must have blacked out for a second while you were in the can cuz that bang scene was actually very very short, like 20 seconds, I laughed actually because Charlies character finished up in literally about 20 seconds and I was waiting for him to say something like "...ah sorry I have been in the joint a long time" or something to that affect.

I can't argue with the dumb scenes though, the shooting in the kitchen was an eye roller, very dumb ass cop, but I think that was really the whole point, your suppose to be kind of amazed at how clueless the law enforcement is in this back woods town.

Speaking of Munich, I was a bit bored when I seen it, I remember thinking Spielberg should stick with Aliens and Dinosaurs, however after watching an awesome documentary called "One Day In September" I'll say it peaked my interest on the subject again and I'll definitely give it another chance soon. However IMO Bana's best character ever was Hoot in Black Hawk Down.

"I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you I throw up!"


There are two love scenes. The first one went on for minutes... not seconds.

I'm glad you thought Hunnam pooped out quickly. If they played it out in real time...(speaking for myself that is...:), the scene would have been longer than the flick.


wait...poop was involved.

"I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you I throw up!"



Love the vanilla/chocolate analogy. So true. Zero Dark Thirty, Life of Pi, Argo and the Dark Knight = "vanilla fudge".


It is not at all strange that most users of this site who bothered to write near professional reviews liked Deadfall. Those who did not seem prominent among the Board commentators who often seem to be the inarticulate and abusive Palaeolithic sort whom I imagine grunting with the effort of tossing their beer cans over the back of the couch and dribbling greasy potato chip bits all over their hairy knees and worn briefs. The sort whose in-depth analysis really goes beyond “it sucks”.
In future if I want to see if a movie is worth watching it will stick with the IMdb users’ reviews and avoid the boards. I did watch and enjoyed Deadfall from start to finish. Not Oscar material –although I have seen far worse movies that have been Oscar candidates. For relatively light entertainment it had a good story line, good to excellent cast, fine cinematography and a stark Quebec winter landscape that highlighted the thrill and drama of the old black and white film noirs.

Yes, there is plenty of violence but not of the zany and ghoulish type beloved by Quentin Tarantino fans. The villain even apologises to one of his victims for what he is about to do before murdering him. He is a heartless killer who does not hesitate if he considers somebody to be an obstacle. The boxing professional “hero” is overcome with grief after accidentally killing the man who stole his prize money and put him in jail. The characters are, after all believable human beings, if not normal ones. There are three sub-plots that add a pinch of salt to the movie but they should not confuse to any person of normal intelligence.


College educated, don't drink, and have the good common sense to know that movies are subjective. I respect the opinion that you liked the movie, much more than your smug condescending reply to review it.

Without rehashing the reasons it sucked as mentioned in my OP....just the fact that the director chose to make a movie with this pointless subject matter, is puzzling. There are enough low rent scumbags in the news everyday, without having to watch countless movies Hollywood loves to make over and over again sensationalizing their behavior.

I would have enjoyed the movie much more if it featured unknown actors and director, perhaps to use as a showcase for future projects. If you're going to put all that talent in a flick, then choose subject matter that enhances it.
It would seem that even A-list actors these days grab a paycheck, and place themselves in garbage like this just to collect it.

If there was some unique twist, or revelation in the script to justify making this movie, perhaps my review would have been more positive.



The boxing professional “hero” is overcome with grief after accidentally killing the man who stole his prize money and put him in jail


He didnt kill him, only thought he did. The cop who called asking for his statement mentioned a 'concussion', nothing more.


I think why people say "it sucks" on boards is because its a conversation starter a review is more one way. Think about it, if you saw a movie you hated and a friend says "Is that any good" you could go into detail and often always do but what is the first thing you say to start the conversation...

"I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you I throw up!"






Yeah well you wrote too much!

"I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you I throw up!"
