Are these just contractual obligation movies?
It seems over the past few years, I've been coming across more and more of these limited release or straight to DVD movies with big stars in them at Target or Walmart, never having heard of them until that day. Besides this one, there was Killer Joe with matthew McCaughnehey and Gina Gershon and severl other I can't think of. Now straight to video movies are nothing new, they used to be low budget with a cast of nobodies. Sometimes they'd add a mid sized actor or actress with a minor role and advertise it giving them top billing, or sometimes it was a sequal to an existing move that was mildly successful,enough to sell a sequal as a straight to video, but not enough to make it a major release. But these have very good casts, but uninteresting stories and scripts.
What's the deal with these? Do the stars just not pay attention to what their agents are signing up for, or like in old time cinema, are they simply obliged to appear in a certain number of films for a given studio, and these releases are a part of that obligation, and the studio figures that if they bundle as many big names that already owe them as possible into their low budget film, they'll make a major profit?