Good But Not Great (Spoiler Full)
The brother and sister were not white trash enough.
Their fashion sense too hollywood pretty.
The parents of the boxer, the sheriff's daughter were believable as their characters.
The sheriff, the wardrobe was too neat.
Everything was a bit too new and shiny clean. Especially for winter and small town feel. Felt too clean.
The little girl's hair, too angelic. In reality it should have looked a little less pretty.
The ending was kind of confusing. If she was in love with the boxer, why didn't she hold on to him for comfort after killing her brother?
I ultimately blame the director. And writer. For not doing a great job. But it was okay for viewing once.
I like all the actors, they did the best they could with what they were given. Ultimately, the director didn't know how to make it feel real enough. Too much of a hollywood version of reality.