MovieChat Forums > Vampires Suck (2010) Discussion > 3.3 WTF???..OVERRATED! Meet the spartans...

3.3 WTF???..OVERRATED! Meet the spartans is much better than this!

This movie is not funny, tell me please a single scene that was actually funny,that really made you laugh, I'm not trolling, is just that Meet the spartans IMO was funnier and is in the bottom 100, I'm guessing the only reason Vampires Suck has this super high rating is Twilight lovers liked it...


Accually, the studio hacked the rating syste so that it stays at 3.3!Why that rating, Im not sure, and who do they think they are fooling? They really think that fans of this know how to use a computer?
And I agree, Meet the Spartans was funnier onnly because I laughed at how hey try to disguise thier product placement! Even the unnintentional humor ges old, it seems
Im 13 and I can hate movies. Deal with it!
I am the self declared Destroyer of Jokes!


Uhhh, where are these supposed facts coming from? I'm pretty sure if a 13 year old kid in the forums knew about IMDb's rating system being hacked, IMDb THEMSELVES would have realised and reverted it back to its proper rating.
So I can confidently say you're making crap up.

Also, don't take this as me defending the movie. It's garbage. But then, so was Meet the Spartans.


Dude, they did the same thing to Disaster Movie. Boosted th rating right up. Hundreds of Accounts got banned. So, while I have no proof that that was the case, isnt it odd that 1. there area bunch of studio plants on this board posting, and 2. the rating has been the EXACT SAME since the day after its release? Even thouh thousands of more votes have been submitted? Its no secret that the studios do this. Some obscure Mario Van Peebles movie called Identity Crisis had over 600 reviews submitted for it, all submitted with in 3 days, hailing it "Worst Movie Ever" while the only other review was for Disaster Movie saying they were "Pleasantly Suprised!"Similarly, Disney had the dub actor for Zac Effron in the HSM movies take dwn many times, and threatened with a lawsuit! So, you clearly have no idea how far these companies will go to make thier movies sem just a little bit better.

Oh, and Meet the Spartans was one of the worst flms ever, btw.

Im 13 and I can hate movies. Deal with it!
I am the self declared Destroyer of Jokes!


"Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth" was funnier than any parody I've seen in while.



Nope, this was not funny at all, not a single hilarious scene, not even a smile, Meet the spartans and disaster movie at least have 2 or 3 funny scenes.



Maybe not, but the princess was *beep* Hilarious! (and damn hot too)
