The annoying thing about this film
Is that IT COULD'VE been funny. Films like Disaster Movie, Epic Movie etc shouldn't exist because they're full of cultural references that then make up a lose narrative, plus they are parodying hugely successful films that weren't particularly bad in the first place. What made Scary Movie work was that it stuck to parodying one specific film's narrative and then threw in obscure references around that story.
With the worldwide hate towards Twilight, it would've been so easy to make a film solely parodying the narrative of the first one because the original IS ridiculous and there are alot of things to nit-pick with it.
So scenes like; when they first meet and they have a stare-off and the scene in the classroom where he's in a Hazmat suit are actually funny because they are direct spoofs of the original. I even noticed how the camera lingered ridiculously long on the driving scenes to mimic the commercialised aspect of the originals. However, it's when the film throws in stupid crap like Lady Gaga impersonaters, the father having a sex doll and jokes about the Jonas Bros that take you out of the parody. These 'jokes' just make this another pop culture reference film.
I really wonder how these guys manage to get their scripts green-lit. Even with the financial success, do they not see how juvenile their writing is?