
This film is a mystery to me , i mean i agree the visuals were stunning (but that you can get from a NG Documentary) , the music was ok , the camera work was excellent , the script was a typical revenge flick script.

All good and sound , let's discuss the performances, DiCaprio was OK nothing special (i have see him act better in many many films and I think that the Oscar must have came for his performance in "The Departed") the only thing he did was breath heavily , pant , crawl and look miserable something that didn't quite convince me .

What about Hardy's performance you ask ? Well Hardy was , is and will always be a mystery to me . I mean the guy CANNOT act whatsoever , he is borderline funny every time he is trying to do an accent and he is not that good at all. His acting reminds me the acting of 5yo children and actors in parodies .

I will not start to talk about the performances from the supporting actors since they were a joke for me as well .

All in all a good suspense film with great visuals and camera work , but nothing special and nothing that i would watch twice .

6 out of 10


You are in the minority and definitely have not seen enough films in your lifetime.

"I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler!" - Merkin Muffley


I agree with you 100%. I don't get why it's so hyped up. 2 hours of panting and a half hour of dialogue like what kind of film is that? It was still entertaining but I wish I didn't waste my money to see it in theatres.
Story line was weak.

You killed my son so I want revenge! That's it. And it took over an hour for them to get to that part. Movie was nothing special.

Maybe you just don't know what a true good movie is sir. ^


Maybe you just don't know what a true good movie is sir. ^

Just different opinions about a respected and well-received movie. I could say the same thing to you because you gave really low ratings to movies that I think are great (Her, Inside Out, The Skin I Live In, Gone Girl,... I could go on), but I won't because they are your opinions.

Raging Bull = Best movie


The moral of the story is, never allow idiots who enjoy garbage like Her, Gone Girl and Revenant to tell you what's "well-received and respected".



Raging Bull = Best movie? Please.. Best example of a polished turd that I' be ever seen. The only good thing about it was the production value. The script sucked as did the story.. Not to mention the one dimensional characters. Jake LaMotta runs around slapping and cussing out everyone in sight.. then he feels sorry for himself once they leave him. How enlightening!


I agree, it was pretty boring. I think oscar winning movies just attract a lot of morons who pretend to be deeply moved by it because they are trying to act sophisticated. When in reality it is just a revenge flick and not even a very interesting one.


Except this movie is a pile of *beep* has already been completely forgotten, and could only be praised by someone who's never seen a movie made before 2012.



Usually people who haven't seen many films are easily impressed, actually. Sounds to me more likely that you have that problem than the OP.


I have actually , the number must be a 3 digit one by now , so yeah i got this going on for me which is nice ....


A looper?

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpSzSzSzSzSz--" - Frank Grimes


Agree with everything except Tom Hardy. He was the best thing about this entire movie.



Well, you clearly have garbage tastes and zero intelligence.




Yeah, I can't agree on the Hardy slander at all.

In this decade alone, he has played a comic supervillain and one of the most understated performances of the decade ("Locke") and found a deep humanity in both that even the audience can find reliability in. Not to mention he spends pretty much the entirety of "The Dark Knight Rises" behind a mask that obscures his face and is able to convey so much with just his eyes. If that isn't a good actor, then I don't know what constitutes as one.


You gave The Revenant a 6 so i decided to take a look at your film ratings and after seeing you gave Selfless 7,Troy an 8,the absolutely HORRIBLE Fear The Walking dead an 8,Mars Attacks 7,Selma 1,End of Watch 8 and Fury Road a 1?!!! I cant see why anyone would take you seriously. The Revenant is great film making get a clue.


The Revenant is a pile of *beep* Maybe you should watch a good movie sometime.



His rating of "Mars Attacks!" is too low. It should be higher; an underrated Burton masterpiece, in my book.

"[Redmayne] is so thirsty for awards and not in a fun way but in a sad, desperate way" - Twitter


I agree with you. Great visuals (those that didn't include CG anyway) and that's it. The story wasn't anything special. And although I like Hardy, I didn't like his characterization in this one.


A DiCaprio movie, and you're gonna go after Tom Hardy, the guy who pulled all the weight if this shlock and was the one actually using an accent?

Get real.



Well, you know...Even though I didn't like the movie, DiCaprio didn't deliver a bad performance in my opinion, but it was uninteresting, watching the guy suffer for three hours. And I've seen Hardy's character played a thousand times, so that's what bothered me, the character might have been more interesting and not a cliche. I love Hardy and DiCaprio, but they don't shine here.
For me, the problems with this movie go beyond the actors.
Real enough for you dude?


This film is a mystery to me , i mean i agree the visuals were stunning

I totally agree with you. I don´t get why everyone thinks Star Wars_ The Force awakens was unique, it was more of a rehash than an original idea.

Star wars: The Force Awakens 5/10
